Directory of
Portrait Painters
Commission a portrait from these Fine Portrait Painters:
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Artists that work
from a live sitting
Artists that work
from photographs
Artists by Name
Artists by Location
The New School of Classical Art
Portrait Society
of Florida
Portrait Society
of Atlanta
Portrait Society
of Canada
Royal Society of
Portrait Painters
Suzana Golaub
Adrian Gottlieb
Pamela Jaffe
Suzanne Smith
Gina Dynes
Shelley Laffal
Mark Gutmann
Lynda Pontzer
Looking for a portrait painter in your local area? You’ve come to the right place, we will soon have a list of portrait artists from all over the world – France, Italy, East and West Europe, Canada, Mexico, South America, Australia, United States and the list goes on.
Many of these talented artists paint or draw in various mediums, take a look at each one to see for yourself their medium, style and use of color.
Portrait Painters, if you paint portraits of people or pets, join and get listed. More and more people are finding artists and services in their local area via the internet.
Portrait Painters!
Have your own web site?
Join NOW and get listed for one year for only $75.00! (plus $20.00 Set up fee)
Lost in a crowd of other portrait artists? There’s still lots of room here for top exposure! Join today and be listed by your geograpical location, by alphabetical listing, by live sittings and/or portraits by photographs.
Here’s a comment from one of our listed artists’:
“I have to tell you I have gotten several commissions through the web site! It’s so exciting!!! People are finding me through Google searches for portrait artists. Thank you so much! I am thankful for finding your site last year. I cannot tell you how grateful I am!!! My business has really taken off!!! -Pam Jaffe”
Join right away!
Email: [email protected] request to join and send us your photo of your art that you want us to use to link your web site.
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